Colourful tubs

July 15, 2024
The planters and tubs in the Town are looking especially good this year with a beautiful display of geraniums and petunias.
Thanks to Brian from Yard House Plants for the amazing plants.

In Your Neighbourhood

May 17, 2023
This year we have applied to enter parts of the Town into the In Your Neighbourhood awards. This is still run by the RHS but enables us to concentrate on smaller areas.


2022 Another Gold Award

May 17, 2023
We were pleased to be awarded another Gold in the Heart of England in Bloom Awards.

Wonderful Winter colours

December 29, 2021
We have been lucky to secure some further funding via a COVID grant from Tewkesbury Borough Council.  The funds totaling £1k have enabled us to purchase a selection of Spring bulbs and winter flowering plants for every single town centre planter!  More importantly, we have been able to involve the public by inviting them to join us in planting sessions.  We received lots of help from all age groups and it was wonderful to see everyone enjoying themselves in the fresh air, after such a challenging year. 

We hope the planters bring some colourful cheer during the colder and drab days of winter. Keep your eye open and see which bulbs pop up first! 


Its a virtual Gold in 2021

December 29, 2021
We are pleased to announce we have been awarded a Gold Medal in the 2021 virtual Heart of England (regional) competition.   

Instead of a personal visit from HoE judges, we submitted a portfolio of our work throughout the year with images. 

Judges were particularly impressed with our use of thyme to act as a weed suppressor and to help with water retention in the 1471 flower bed.  Thyme is a perennial herb and its small flowers attract pollinators. 


Its a virtual competition this year

June 13, 2021
In 2021 the Britain in Bloom competition will be a virtual one. Locally Tewkesbury enters the Heart of England in Bloom regional competition and we are busily preparing a portfolio of our work to email to the judges. 

This is to ensure we comply with current COVID advice. 


COVID Grant bring colourful Spring displays

June 13, 2021
Tewkesbury Borough Council awarded us a COVID grant and we purchased spring plants and bulbs to bring some cheer into the town centre during challenging times.  Families with young children, and individual of all ages joined us in November to do a mammoth planting session 


New Planters for the Town Centre

September 17, 2020
We have made a big investment in new planters for the town centre in 2020. 

Some of our wooden barrels had seen better days.  These planters are self watering and have a reservoir system so that watering frequency can be reduced.  Over a number of years we have built up a small reserve from our sponsorship scheme which has enabled us to invest in providing the town with 12 planters to improve the quality of our displays. 

The slightly raised height (compared the older wooden barrels) means more volunteers (especially those with back or mobility issues) will be able help plant up. 


News about Margaret White

June 30, 2020

Its with great sadness that we announce the passing of Margaret White formerly of Home Abbey House, Tewkesbury.  When she closed her business in Tewkesbury she decided to help the town in her retirement and we are very grateful to Margaret for her fundraising efforts over many years supporting both Tewkesbury in Bloom and Tewkesbury Christmas lights project.


The Cross is blooming

April 25, 2020
The Cross is blooming

The summer flowers around the base of  The Cross have been provided by the volunteers from Tewkesbury in Bloom over many years as a tribute to our servicemen and women, past and present, on behalf of the town's residents and businesses.      The flowers are sourced locally from Brian William's nursery, and include either petunias, pelargoniums or begonias. Brian also cares for the flowers, regularly watering, feeding and deadheading to ensure the town puts on a good display.

This year the team from Tewkesbury's newest town centre inn, The Cross House Tavern, have generously made a donation to guarantee the flowers for 2020.  

"We wish to thank Laurence, Catherine Ali and Tracey from Cross House for their support and generosity in helping to fund this project.  This year especially as many ceremonies have had to be cancelled such as the VE day commemorations and Armed Forces Day celebrations its important more than ever that the town organises this important tribute", comments Shelby Powell